按詩歌年代排列 #home #

所有歌曲 (以年代排列)
2015至今 | 2010-2014 | 2005-2009 | 2000-2004 | 1995-1999 | 1990-1994 | 八十年代 | 二十世紀至七十年代 | 十九世紀或以前


  1. A Christmas Song
  2. Abide with Me (Matt Redman)
  3. Adore
  4. Beautiful (Watoto)
  5. Even So Come
  6. Every Giant Will Fall
  7. Facing a Task Unfinished
  8. Faithfulness
  9. Heart Like Heaven
  10. Here as in Heaven
  11. Here with Me
  12. Here with You
  13. In God We Trust
  14. Jesus I Need You
  15. Joy of the Lord
  16. Love on the Line
  17. Never Forsaken
  18. O Come to the Altar
  19. O Praise the Name (Anástasis)
  20. Oh What Love Is This
  21. On Earth As It Is In Heaven
  22. One Thing (I Tasted the World)
  23. Open Heaven (River Wild)
  24. Touch the Sky
  25. Transfiguration
  26. Unbroken Praise
  27. We Bow Low
  28. We Will Feast in the House of Zion
  29. What a Saviour
  30. When the Fight Calls
  31. 一粒麥子
  32. 一起遠飛
  33. 一路靠著祂
  34. 三百六十五天
  35. 你是快來君王
  36. 你的香氣
  37. 使命 (生命樹)
  38. 來呈獻,來讚聲
  39. 來背十架
  40. 傾倒
  41. 充滿我
  42. 全新的生命
  43. 全是恩典
  44. 全能者
  45. 前來敬拜
  46. 勝過死亡的權勢
  47. 十架的愛 (香港浸信教會)
  48. 去宣講
  49. 只要有祢在我左右
  50. 同心高飛
  51. 呼求你憐憫
  52. 唯一的主
  53. 夢想 Let's Go
  54. 天上的敬拜
  55. 天父的國度
  56. 奔向愛我的神
  57. 奔跑不放棄
  58. 學會禱告
  59. 安靜 (讚美之泉)
  60. 小小嬰孩
  61. 差派你共我
  62. 帶我進水深處
  63. 弟兄和睦同居
  64. 心債
  65. 愛着妳一世
  66. 感謝耶穌
  67. 我們愛戴的王
  68. 我心渴望
  69. 我的阿爸天父
  70. 我要一生一世住在你聖殿
  71. 手中的福音
  72. 找一個地方
  73. 教會生機
  74. 敬拜讓世界震動
  75. 新的事將要成就
  76. 新的異象新的方向
  77. 是你
  78. 暗世作光
  79. 更多愛祢
  80. 有一道河
  81. 榮耀大君王
  82. 榮耀歸與真神
  83. 榮耀的呼召
  84. 永活真神(盡心盡性盡力)
  85. 求主潔淨
  86. 活著敬拜
  87. 渴慕聖潔
  88. 為祢所認識
  89. 牧我一生
  90. 祂是你的幫助
  91. 祝福你
  92. 神啊!祢是我神!
  93. 神話語 (詩119)
  94. 神蹟
  95. 祢手相牽
  96. 祢是活神
  97. 祢的器皿
  98. 祢的居所何等可愛
  99. 竭力讚揚
  100. 簡簡單單
  101. 給夢想一雙翅膀
  102. 聖哉全能主
  103. 聖靈在這裡
  104. 聖靈的火
  105. 能不能
  106. 與你翱翔
  107. 讓全地都聽見
  108. 讚美上帝
  109. 讚美不停息
  110. 讚美祢大愛
  111. 連於祢
  112. 道成肉身
  113. 還有誰可像祢
  114. 那一天
  115. 醫治我
  116. 醫治這地
  117. 降下祢大能
  118. 陪我走過春夏秋冬
  119. 離開主聖殿
  120. 願你以我的默念為甘甜
  121. 願祢國度降臨 (讚美之泉)
  122. 高舉榮耀寶座
  123. 齊來迎聖誕




  1. Aftermath
  2. Alive in Us
  3. All Glory
  4. All My Life
  5. Awakening
  6. Be Glorified and Magnified
  7. Bersorak Sorai
  8. Cry of the Broken
  9. Fountains
  10. Go
  11. God I Look to You
  12. God in Everything
  13. God Is Able
  14. God of My Life
  15. God of the Redeemed
  16. Healing Is in Your Hands
  17. Hear Us, O Lord, as We Voice Our Laments
  18. Here Comes the Reign
  19. Here Is Love (CHC)
  20. Hope's Anthem
  21. How to Worship a King
  22. I Lift My Hands
  23. I Will Exalt You (Bethel)
  24. I Will Follow
  25. iFamily 2010
  26. Isn't He Beautiful
  27. It's Good to Give Thanks
  28. Kau Rajaku
  29. King of Heaven (Paul Baloche)
  30. Light Will Shine
  31. Loved by You
  32. Majesty of Heaven
  33. My Hope (Nothing Will Change)
  34. My Hope Is in You
  35. Narrow Road
  36. O the Blood
  37. Oh, That Your Salvation and Your Rescue
  38. One Thing Remains
  39. Only You
  40. Our God
  41. Out of My Hands
  42. Praise Him (Gateway)
  43. Reign
  44. Rhythms of Grace
  45. Rise
  46. Rooftops
  47. S'lamanya Kau Tuhan
  48. Salib-Mu
  49. Savior of the World
  50. Search My Heart
  51. Set a Fire
  52. Shekinah Glory
  53. Shout for Joy (Pour out Your Fervent Praise)
  54. Sweetest Devotion
  55. Take Heart
  56. The Difference
  57. The Greatness of our God
  58. The Lost Are Found
  59. The Saving One
  60. This Love
  61. Tiada Ternilai
  62. Tinggi NamaMu Dipuji
  63. We Are Saved
  64. With Us
  65. You Are Good (Bethel)
  66. You Are More
  67. You See Through Me
  68. Your Faithfulness
  69. 不停讚美
  70. 喜樂的心
  71. 單單愛祢
  72. 好好的過
  73. 展開屬天的翅膀
  74. 得釋放
  75. 愛‧共你 (相識‧相連‧相愛主題曲)
  76. 愛可以再更多一點點
  77. 我可以
  78. 我的家要榮耀主
  79. 我要一心稱謝祢
  80. 我要全心讚美
  81. 最好的朋友
  82. 神羔羊 (讚美之泉)
  83. 耶和華沙龍
  84. 耶穌的名
  85. 與祢同行
  86. 認定祢
  87. 豐盛的應許
  88. 開心小門徒
  89. 願天歡喜
  90. 齊為此地呼求
  91. 그이름예수

  1. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
  2. A Way to See in the Dark
  3. All Because of the Cross
  4. All My Hope
  5. Author and Savior
  6. Beneath the Waters (I Will Rise)
  7. Blessings
  8. Center of It
  9. Children of the Light
  10. Christ the Lord
  11. Come, Sing to God with All Your Heart
  12. Cornerstone
  13. Deep Cries Out
  14. Draw Near
  15. Endless Light
  16. God Will Be Our Refuge
  17. God, My Help and Hiding Place
  18. Grace Abounds
  19. Great Is Your Love
  20. Greater Than All
  21. Hallelujah (CHC)
  22. Have the Glory
  23. Hear the Fool
  24. Here for You
  25. Holy Spirit (Jesus Culture)
  26. Hope of the World
  27. I Choose Jesus
  28. I Desire Jesus
  29. I Refused to Be Comforted Easily
  30. I See Heaven
  31. I Surrender
  32. I'm Gonna Praise
  33. In Your Hand Alone
  34. In Your Sanctuary
  35. Jesus at the Center
  36. Just Say
  37. Ku Tetap Setia
  38. Let Praise Awaken
  39. Like an Avalanche
  40. Limitless
  41. Look upon the Lord
  42. Lord I Need You
  43. Love Knows No End
  44. Love's Sacrifice
  45. Lying Lips
  46. Mercy
  47. My Church‭, My Life‭
  48. My Heart Is Overwhelmed
  49. My World Is You
  50. Never Once
  51. New Jerusalem
  52. O My Heart Sings
  53. O When Will We See Justice Done?
  54. Oh Our Lord
  55. One Thirst
  56. Praise Him
  57. Reign in Me (Paul Baloche)
  58. Running
  59. Stand in Awe
  60. Taken
  61. The Same Love
  62. This Is the Day (PlanetShakers)
  63. Unending Love
  64. Waiting Here for You
  65. What's Greater
  66. When I Sought Silence
  67. When Love Sees You (Jesus)
  68. Why Do the Nations Rage?
  69. You Are Stronger
  70. You Cunning Liar, Why Publicize
  71. You Have Won Me
  72. Your Blood Ran Down
  73. Your Glory
  74. Your Name Brings Healing to Me
  75. 一首簡單的歌
  76. 上帝的愛真奇妙
  77. 上帝的禮物
  78. 世界找不到
  79. 主你是我盼望
  80. 住在祢裡面
  81. 來充滿我
  82. 來吧,我們讚美
  83. 八福
  84. 共你分享愛
  85. 十架恩
  86. 叫我抬起頭的神
  87. 唯有耶穌
  88. 在你眼裡
  89. 在耶穌的腳前
  90. 天使心
  91. 完備的恩典
  92. 尊貴全能神
  93. 尋見
  94. 工人的禱告
  95. 恩膏
  96. 感謝天父‭
  97. 我愛我的家
  98. 我是個祝福的使者
  99. 我獻上自己(主,我願)
  100. 我的幫助從何而來
  101. 榮耀都歸祂
  102. 沒有人像祢一樣愛我
  103. 活祭
  104. 無比的愛
  105. 生命充滿祝福
  106. 相信有愛就有奇蹟
  107. 祂獨自承擔
  108. 祢是配得 (小羊詩歌)
  109. 祢是配得(聖哉聖哉全地唱)
  110. 緊靠祢
  111. 義海豪情
  112. 耶和華恩年已來到
  113. 耶穌來得著這地
  114. 聖潔活祭
  115. 藏不住
  116. 誰能使我與神的愛隔絕
  117. 轉化
  118. 陽光大聚集
  119. 離開沉睡
  120. 願神興起 (小羊詩歌)
  121. 齊來歡呼Jehovah
  122. 그가오신이유
  123. 그사랑
  124. 주를위한이곳에





  1. Bapa Yang Kekal
  2. Call Upon
  3. Came to My Rescue
  4. Come Holy Spirit (CHC)
  5. Come Lift up Your Sorrows
  6. Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
  7. Crossing Over
  8. Cry
  9. Emmanuel (Morgan)
  10. Everlasting God
  11. Favorite One
  12. Filled with Glory
  13. Fire Fall Down
  14. Free
  15. From God Above
  16. From the Inside Out
  17. God You Make Me Smile
  18. Grace Unmeasured
  19. Hear My Worship
  20. Heart After You
  21. His Love (Hillsong)
  22. Hold Me Close
  23. Holy
  24. Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)
  25. How Could I Live Without You
  26. How He Loves Us
  27. How Majestic (Mark Altrogge)
  28. I Give
  29. In the Name of Jesus
  30. Know You More
  31. Let Creation Sing
  32. Let the Whole World
  33. Let Us Adore
  34. Love the Lord
  35. Majestic
  36. Musim Baru
  37. My Source
  38. None but Jesus
  39. One
  40. Only One
  41. Overtaken
  42. Power of the Cross
  43. Praise You in This Storm
  44. Refuge
  45. Sanctuary (CHC)
  46. Shout
  47. Speak O Lord
  48. Surrender All
  49. Sweetly Broken
  50. Take It All
  51. The Lord Reigns (Let the People Shout)
  52. The Stand
  53. The Time Has Come
  54. Transform Our Nation
  55. Welcome in This Place
  56. What He's Done
  57. While I Keep Silence
  58. Wonderful God (Hillsong)
  59. You Never Let Go
  60. Your Presence
  61. Yours Is the Kingdom (CHC)
  62. Yours Is the Kingdom (Hillsong)
  63. 上好的福分
  64. 主我跟祢走
  65. 主耶和華是我的幫助
  66. 主領我路
  67. 人算甚麼
  68. 全地當讚美
  69. 哦主,祢名何其美
  70. 單單只為祢
  71. 天天讚美
  72. 如果耶穌沒有來
  73. 我心切切渴慕祢
  74. 我要等候耶和華
  75. 我願意 (小羊詩歌)
  76. 我願為祢去
  77. 我願祢來
  78. 永遠唱著讚美
  79. 沙崙的玫瑰
  80. 為我造清潔的心
  81. 眾山怎樣圍繞耶路撒冷
  82. 祝你生日快樂
  83. 神的羔羊 (小羊詩歌)
  84. 祢美好應許
  85. 禱告
  86. 耶和華坐著為王
  87. 耶和華尼西
  88. 耶和華是我牧者
  89. 耶穌,耶穌
  90. 聖潔全能主
  91. 親近祢
  92. 讓小小燈火四處燃起
  93. 阿們

  1. 1,000 Miles
  2. Adonai
  3. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
  4. At the Cross
  5. Awesome Is the Lord Most High
  6. Beautiful Saviour
  7. Because of Your Love (Paul Baloche)
  8. Betapa Hebat
  9. Break Free
  10. Come and Let Your Presence
  11. Come Away with Me
  12. Come, One and All, from Near and Far
  13. Dark but Lovely
  14. Devotion
  15. Everywhere I Go
  16. Fall in This Place
  17. For Everyone Born (Brian Mann)
  18. For the Cause
  19. For Who You Are
  20. Forevermore
  21. Found
  22. Found Faithful
  23. God of This City
  24. Happy Day
  25. He Never Sleeps
  26. Here in My Life
  27. Here in Your Presence
  28. Hiding Place (Don Moen)
  29. Higher
  30. Hosanna (I See the King)
  31. Hosanna 賀我王
  32. How Can I Keep from Singing?
  33. I Believe (Hillsong)
  34. I Stand Amazed
  35. I Will Bless the Lord
  36. I'm Forever Yours
  37. I'm Not Ashamed
  38. In the Valley
  39. Jesus Paid It All (O Praise the One)
  40. Lead Me to the Cross
  41. Let God Arise (Chris Tomlin)
  42. Lord, I Gladly Trust
  43. Lord, Who Shall Be Welcome
  44. Mighty to Save
  45. More to See
  46. Oceans Will Part
  47. Open My Eyes
  48. Point of Difference
  49. Saat KusembahMu
  50. Saviour King
  51. Shine
  52. Solution
  53. Son of God
  54. The Deep of Your Grace
  55. The Freedom We Know
  56. Through the Valley
  57. Unashamed
  58. When Trouble Looms
  59. Worship You Alone
  60. You Alone Are God
  61. Your Name
  62. 主祢是我力量
  63. 主,我相信
  64. 似乎在天堂
  65. 全然美麗
  66. 原來是耶穌
  67. 可喜悅的祭
  68. 台北的聖誕節
  69. 喔!十字架
  70. 在祢寶座前
  71. 如果
  72. 寧靜谷
  73. 寶貴十架
  74. 小小的夢想
  75. 彌賽亞
  76. 我多麼需要有你
  77. 我的心切慕祢
  78. 我相信 (讚美之泉)
  79. 我要常常喜樂
  80. 揀選
  81. 敬拜祢
  82. 有一天
  83. 求聽我呼求
  84. 活石
  85. 無他唯耶穌的寶血
  86. 牽我手
  87. 盡情的敬拜
  88. 祢恩典不離開
  89. 祢是我的一切 (讚美之泉)
  90. 祢是聖潔
  91. 祢的恩典夠我用
  92. 祢的慈愛
  93. 祢真配得讚美
  94. 稱頌祢聖名
  95. 簡單的歌
  96. 耶和華的軍隊
  97. 耶穌,我愛祢
  98. 聖誕之願
  99. 聖靈降下恩雨
  100. 讓愛傳出去
  101. 這世代
  102. 這就是祢的愛
  103. 나의 안에 거하라
  104. 보혈을지나
  105. 우리함께기도해


  1. A New Hallelujah
  2. Above All Else (CHC)
  3. Across the Earth
  4. Alive in You
  5. All I Have Is Christ
  6. All the Way My Savior Leads Me (Chris Tomlin)
  7. All Things New
  8. Arms Open Wide
  9. Believe (Planetshakers)
  10. Creation Sings the Father's Song
  11. Dalamnya KasihMu
  12. Deeper (Planetshakers)
  13. Desert Song
  14. Elevate Your Name
  15. For Janelle (whom Jesus Loves)
  16. Get Up
  17. He Is Lord (Hillsong)
  18. Heaven
  19. High and Lifted Up
  20. I Just Want You
  21. King of Wonders
  22. My Life, Your Song
  23. New Doxology
  24. No Reason to Hide
  25. North Bay 需要你
  26. Nothing Is Impossible (Planetshakers)
  27. Oh You Bring
  28. Omnipotent You Reign
  29. People Get Ready (I Can Hear the rhythm)
  30. Reign in Us
  31. Restore Me
  32. Run
  33. Sing to the Lord
  34. Spirit Fall
  35. Surrender (Jeremy Camp)
  36. Tear Down the Walls
  37. The God I Know
  38. The Victory
  39. The Wonder of Your Love
  40. This Is Our God
  41. We the Redeemed
  42. We Will Worship
  43. What Faith Can Do
  44. When I Speak Your Name
  45. Where I Belong
  46. Where We Belong
  47. With Everything
  48. Yesus
  49. You Alone Can Rescue
  50. You Are for Me
  51. You Are Good (Gateway Worship)
  52. You Hold Me Now
  53. You Made a Way
  54. Your Love Is Everything
  55. Your Love Never Fails
  56. Yours Forever
  57. 一生一世
  58. 上帝早已預備
  59. 主耶穌,我愛祢
  60. 來歡呼讚美
  61. 全民皆兵
  62. 喜樂泉源
  63. 天父的花園
  64. 小組做得到
  65. 平安
  66. 感謝
  67. 我不為明天憂慮
  68. 我們愛(讓世界不一樣)
  69. 我要歌唱
  70. 掌上明珠
  71. 摩西之歌
  72. 榮耀主
  73. 求主寬恕
  74. 沙漠中的讚美
  75. 祢的愛長闊高深
  76. 祢的最愛
  77. 祢知道
  78. 翻轉地球
  79. 耶和華靠近傷心的人
  80. 耶穌基督是主 (讚美之泉)
  81. 耶穌的香氣
  82. 賜福與你
  83. 路標
  84. 阿爸天父 (讚美之泉)

  1. Beautiful Exchange
  2. Because of You
  3. Believe (Hillsong)
  4. Break Every Chain
  5. By Faith
  6. Faithful to the End
  7. For Your Name
  8. Forever Reign
  9. Freedom Is Here
  10. Glow
  11. God One and Only
  12. God Who Answers Prayer
  13. His Glory Appears
  14. Holy Spirit Come (Planetshakers)
  15. How Great Is the Love
  16. How I Love You Lord
  17. I Will Exalt You (Hillsong)
  18. In Your House
  19. It's All About The Cross
  20. It's Your Love
  21. Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)
  22. Juru S'lamatku
  23. Ku Dib'ri Kuasa
  24. Like Incense - Sometimes by Step
  25. Love Came Down
  26. Love Like Fire
  27. Oh Come Holy Spirit
  28. Open My Eyes (Reuben Morgan)
  29. Our God Is Love
  30. Soon
  31. Thank You (Hillsong)
  32. The Father's Heart
  33. The First and the Last
  34. The One Who Saves
  35. We Will See Him
  36. What a Savior
  37. What Would I Have Done
  38. When I Survey
  39. Wonderful God
  40. Yahweh (Hillsong)
  41. You
  42. You (Joel Houston)
  43. You Are My Favorite
  44. 不要放棄
  45. 何等恩典
  46. 何等深情
  47. 信實的神
  48. 倚靠
  49. 僅此一生
  50. 再次將我更新
  51. 哈利路亞(袮真實奇妙)
  52. 天家的爸爸
  53. 恩典之路
  54. 成了僕人
  55. 我們來讚美主
  56. 我渴慕祢
  57. 我的救主
  58. 我的最愛
  59. 我高舉雙手
  60. 把握今天
  61. 收割的手
  62. 新婦的祈禱
  63. 最美的禮物
  64. 榮耀都歸神羔羊
  65. 歌頌
  66. 永遠稱頌祢
  67. 滿有能力
  68. 漁之歌
  69. 為我留一個位子
  70. 煉淨我
  71. 父啊,我向祢呼求
  72. 片刻的安寧
  73. 真實的悔改
  74. 祢比這一切更美麗
  75. 祢的榮耀彰顯於天
  76. 耶和華我的磐石
  77. 耶和華行了大事
  78. 耶穌祢醫治
  79. 耶穌,萬名之上的名
  80. 聖潔歸於祢
  81. 謝謝祢,耶穌
  82. 踏上征途
  83. 這是聖潔之地
  84. 進入祢的聖所
  85. 雞叫的時候
  86. 부르신 곳에서
  87. 예수피를힘입어


















































Ancient -1499

1500 -1599

1600 -1699

1700 -1799

1800 -1899

1800 -1809

1810 -1819

1820 -1829

1830 -1839

1840 -1849

1850 -1859

1860 -1869

1870 -1879

1880 -1889

1890 -1899

